

Insights shares a look inside the many areas and aspects around security. Interesting infos, news and stories as well as tips and How-To‘s for your personal security.

RAD Sicherheit is a well established company with many years of experience in the field of personal security. Our numerous services in various areas of our industry and extended assignments throughout Europe, Asia and the USA, have made us a well sought after partner in the national and international Security Business.

De-escalating behavior in the security industry

In private security, conflicts with people who are under the influence of alcohol and possibly drugs, who show a lack of understanding for certain measures or who simply are in a stressful situation for whatever reason, are not always avoidable.

The DIN 77200 explained

In recent years, the demand for security services has risen sharply. The growing need for security necessitates a wider range of services offered by competitors. In order to be able to compare the performance of potential contractors, the DIN 77200 series of standards creates transparency.

The right equipment in private security

Adapted to the local conditions, personnel requirements and the needs of the client, the equipment varies according to the services provided. In this article you will learn what essential basic equipment in the individual categories is required.

Tendering process in private security

Before companies can even participate in tenders, they must register with various tender databases. These include platforms such as “Vergabe NRW”, “Deutsches Vergabeportal” (DTVP for short) or “Infodienst Ausschreibungen”. Since some databases charge fees for registration, initial costs are already incurred here. Registration is followed by research: Which tenders are suitable, which projects fit the company? Some databases facilitate this work with a notification function and inform potential bidders about relevant new entries.

Does „mass panic“ exist?

We know terms “Mass panic” and “mass hysteria” from the media. There are some dramatic events where dozens or even hundreds of people died as they were part of a big crowd or fell victim to it. But can a crowd panic? How can you note such a situation and which behaviour is helpful?

Police and Service Dogs

A service dog is a specially trained dog which is used by the police, customs, military rescue services or by private security services. Thanks to their tremendously distinct sense of smell and hearing or their particularly speed, strength and agility, the quadrupeds can be a support where technology and men reach their limits.[:en]They support where technology and men reach their limits.

Civil courage

Almost everyone has already found himself in a situation where he had to help or could have helped a person in need. But how do we make the decision to react or ignore it?

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